The Best Longevity Podcasts

The Best Longevity Podcasts

Many of you enjoyed our article on the best longevity influencers to follow and have reached out asking about the best longevity-focused podcasts as well.

Well look no further! This article is your guide to the best podcasts focused on longevity and other related topics I know you will find interesting.

With longevity being an ever popular topic, all of these podcasts are bound to gain in popularity and I'm sure there are many more that will rise to the surface in the coming years. If you think we missed any, leave a comment!

1. The Drive Podcast by Peter Attia

The Peter Attia Drive | Podcast on Spotify

Peter is a Stanford trained medical doctor with the majority of his career being focused on cancer treatment and research.

Much of his current focus and mission is to "translate the science of longevity into something that is accessible to everyone." He takes a wholistic approach to longevity covering everything from nutrition, exercise, sleep, pharmacology, disease, mental health, and healthy habits.

I've really enjoyed his podcast due to its strong focus on longevity, the rate at which he releases new podcasts, and the quality of the people he has on his show. He takes a skeptical and data-driven approach which makes me feel I trust much of what he says.

Be forewarned though that his podcast is filled with lots of technical jargon, so be prepared to have Google open on the side. Also note that you will need a premium subscription to get access to all his content and show notes.

2. The Human Upgrade by Dave Asprey

The Human Upgrade with Dave Asprey – Podcast – Podtail

Dave is know as the "father of biohacking" and is the creator of the Bulletproof Diet. Though his career started in software engineering, he has become a prominent thought-leader in the longevity and biohacking space.

A lot of his philosophy revolves around the Bulletproof Diet he has created which focuses on high fat, moderate protein, and very low cab intake. He also promotes different fasting protocols.

But because his podcast has been up and running for more than 13 years now with over 1,200 episodes, there is a lot of content and different topics to choose from! Not only his dietary views.

Note though that Dave is a bit of a divisive figure. He promotes certain longevity protocols that are not well-founded in research and he has some pretty hard line views that are not well-balanced.

3. The Dhru Purohit Show Dhru Purohit Show : Dhru Purohit: Audible Books & Originals

Dhru (like Drew) is a serial entrepreneur and investor in the health and wellness space. Though he does not have medical training, he interviews amazing medical experts and he knows how to ask the right questions.

His podcast focuses on different protocols and practical things you can do to level-up your health. And even though these protocols aren't talked about in the context of longevity, I'm sure you'll find much of it very interesting.

He has released almost 500 episodes at the time of this writing and he releases new episodes at a good/regular pace, so there is a lot to pick from.

4. Your Longevity Blueprint by Dr. Stephanie Gray

Your Longevity Blueprint | Podcasts on Audible |

Dr. Gray is a practitioner of functional medicine with a particular focus on women's health. She is the author of the book "Your Longevity Blueprint" and she sells a number of custom-designed supplements on her website.

Her podcast takes a functional medicine approach to explore the interaction of nutrition, genetics, hormones, toxins, and infections. She doesn't focus on fad diets but rather well-studied approaches to improve health and well-being.

If you're a middle age women who is "sick of not having the answers, sick of being told your symptoms are all in your head, sick of being prescribed solutions from a pill bottle... and you feel betrayed by your body", then her podcast is for you!

My only complaint is the pace of new content that she puts out.

5. Huberman Lab Podcast

Podcast - Huberman Lab

Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist and professor at Stanford School of Medicine. His primary areas of focus as a scientist are brain development, brain function, neural plasticity, vision, and psychiatry.

His podcast covers a wide range of subjects, but he especially enjoys talking about sleep, motivation, mental health, light exposure, and hot/cold exposure. Because mental function is such a critical part of aging well and few other longevity-focused podcasts give it as much attention, I think you should definitely give it a listen.

One complaint a lot of people give is his lack of brevity. He often talks in circles and uses technical jargon that can be hard for some people to understand. Also note that similar to The Drive Podcast, you will need a premium version to access some episodes.

6. Health Longevity Secrets by Dr. Robert Lufkin

Health Longevity Secrets - Podcast | Everand

Dr. Lufkin is a physician and medical school professor at USC's radiology center. He has personally overcome chronic disease and has made it his mission to help other people as well.

He spends a lot of time talking about end-of-lie diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and stroke, but he also talks about biohacking, fasting, and ketosis.

Robert's podcast is less well-known, but one I think you should consider listening to nonetheless!


We are still in the infancy of really understanding what causes aging within humans and what we can do to slow or prevent it. However, as new and interesting findings come out, you can trust that these podcasts will be the first to talk about it.

I've really enjoyed these podcasts and I know you will as well!

If you feel I missed any, feel free to leave a comment or connect with me on social media! I'd love to hear from you.

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